10 Research Black Raisins Benefits For Skin and Hair  : A common confusion among people to know how to snack right! Saying goodbye to junk foods and replacing them with healthy nuts and dry fruits like Black raisins is the first step to good health. Black raisins are one of the popular dry fruits, which get their name from their black colored skin. They are highly recommended by doctors to keep away many health disorders. Check out this article to learn some of the best black raisins benefits for skin, hair, and health in detail.


Black Raisins are called “Kali Kishmish” in Hindi, “NallaDraksha” in Telugu, “KainthaThratchai” in Tamil, and “Kali Manuka” in Marathi. Black raisins are loaded with antioxidants, amino acids, carbohydrates, calcium, and other key nutrients.

What Is Black Raisin?

Black raisins are made by drying out black Corinth seedless grapes under the sun or in a dehydrator. They have a darker color compared to the other raisin varieties and are tangy and sweet. Black raisins are used in preparing smoothies, desserts, and even as a garnish on salads.

Are Black Raisins Good For Health?

Black raisins are one of the healthiest foods to include in your diet. They contain high amounts of fruit sugars like glucose and fructose, which can satiate your hunger levels and lower your food cravings. These are also known for their immunity strengthening properties. Black raisins can maintain your gut health and ward off constipation.

10 Research-Based Black Raisins Benefits For Skin, Hair & Health

How To Eat Black Raisins?

Black raisins are generally treated with sulfur dioxide after drying them in a dehydrator. This is why it is recommended to soak them in water for a couple of hours before consuming them. It can help in stripping off the unnecessary minerals on the outer skin for complete absorption of actual nutrition. This way the benefits of black raisins soaked in water doubles up.

Black Raisins Nutrition Facts:

Here is the nutritional value of black raisins per 1 Cup of serving size:

  • Total Calories: 408
  • Total Carbohydrates: 107 gm
  • Dietary Fiber: 9.8 gm
  • Potassium: 1284 mg
  • Sodium: 12 mg
  • Proteins: 5.9 gm
  • Vitamin A: 2.1 %
  • Vitamin C: 11 %
  • Calcium: 9.5 %
  • Iron: 26 %

Evidence-Based Black Raisins Benefits For Skin, Hair & Health:


Below are some of the best dry black raisins benefits for health, hair, and skin. Let’s have a look at them.

1. Cures Anaemia:

The good content of iron in black raisins is what raises the hemoglobin levels in the blood and cures anemia in a perfectly perfect manner. Having a handful of black raisins each day will ensure that you meet the daily iron requirements of the body.

2. Lowers LDL levels:

One of the advantages of black raisins is their LDL reduction properties. It has anti-cholesterol compounds in the form of soluble fiber that flushes out the cholesterol in the body and gives it good health. There are even enzymes that absorb cholesterol and reduce the levels in the body.

3. Regulates Blood Pressure:

High blood pressure is one of the very common issues that lead to a lot of serious problems in the body. The rich potassium levels in black raisins make it perfect for eating early in the morning that lowers the sodium in the body to a good extent. Sodium is one of the key reasons for high blood pressure. This is how a handful of black raisins can treat your problem.

4. Curbs Food Cravings:

With high levels of fiber in black raisins, if taken in breakfast, this can actually help you feel full for a long period of time and control the hunger pangs and prevent extra calorie intake. The natural fruit sugars like fructose and sucrose present in black raisins can keep you full for longer. This is why doctors recommend taking black raisins for weight loss.

10 Research-Based Black Raisins Benefits For Skin, Hair & Health

5. Protects Teeth:

Black raisins are extremely good for teeth. It contains one of the bet phytochemicals required by our body. Black raisins contain the goodness of nature along with many natural elements and oleanolic acid, which is one of the best black raisins benefits. The application in dental care is also one of the best black raisins uses. It can prevent the tooth from decaying and fight against germs and cavities. It also prevents the growth of a number of bacteria’s which result in tooth decay. The presence of many natural minerals, black raisins are considered as one of the best organic foods ever.


6. Black Raisins Benefits For Constipation:

Black raisins are known for their high amounts of dietary fiber, which can provide bulk to the stools and aid in smooth movement. This can clear your digestive tract and keep your stomach free from constipation. It can also help in reducing bloating and flatulence due to the accumulation of abdominal gases.

7. Strengthens Bones:

It is one of the best uses of black raisins, is that it can be used for keeping the bones healthy. Raisins contain high amounts of calcium and this is one of the prime reasons for black raisins being so healthy for us. Along with good amounts of calcium, the food also contains Boron, which is a micronutrient that is required for the body in small amounts but still needs to be consumed. One cannot just ignore the black raisin health benefits. It is extremely healthy for us and should be consumed in small amounts on a daily basis.

8. Treats Sexual Problems:

Raisins can induce arousal for intercourse. It contains amino acids which come in handy if you want to treat erectile dysfunction. The amino acids also assist in enhancing sperm flow. Thus, it is true that black raisins can help you in getting involved in intercourse, thus ensuring a healthy sexual relationship. The amino acids present in this black organic food can raise the chances of conception. This is considered as one of the best black raisins benefits.

9. Cures Fever:

Raisins can cure fever as well. This feature is considered as one of the best black raisin’s health benefits. This food contains a number of antioxidant properties which allows it to fight fever effectively. The copper content in this food also makes it suitable for treating a number of diseases. This is a superfood and contains almost all the essentials required by our body along with a good amount of calories. This is why even doctors recommend their patients to consume a certain amount of black raisins regularly.10 Research Black Raisins Benefits For Skin and Hair

10. Improves Vision:

Some don’t know about this particular black raisins health benefits. It is true, that black raisins can assist with eye care. It contains some of the best phytonutrients which further come with a good number of antioxidant properties. These elements are good for ocular health and can protect the eyes effectively. It recovers the damage caused to the eyes caused by oxidants or free radicals and can also assist with age-related vision loss. This is one of the best black raisins benefits and this particular feature makes it one of the most consumed and also the most healthy organic foods ever.

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