Neuromodulators for Frown Lines and Forehead Furrows :Neuromodulators – wrinkle-relaxing injections of botulinum toxin commercially known as Botox, Dysport and Xeomin – can be used to treat frown lines. A minute amount of the neuromodulators is injected directly into the underlying muscle, causing it to relax and gradually smooth out the appearance of the overlying skin.

Botulinum toxin is a derivative of a bacterium that has been used widely in medicine for decades.

There are many different types each with individual uses. Type A is the version most commonly used by injection to reduce the action of muscles. It is also used to treat over-active glands such as the sweat glands.

Its action in reducing muscle activity can help reduce the formation of deep lines and wrinkles that are caused by over-active muscles of facial expression.

Botulinum Toxin Type A (BTX-A)can only be administered by a healthcare professional and is a pharmaceutical drug.

In a simple, non-surgical treatment BTX-Ais injected directly into the muscles. It works by blocking nerve impulses to the injected muscles. This reduces muscle activity that causes moderate to severe lines to form.

Within days, you may see a marked improvement in the moderate-to-severe lines. Lines continue to improve for up to 30 days, and results can last for up to 4 months. Individual results may vary -be sure to talk to us about what you can expect and when to schedule your next appointment.

Possible risks

  • Soreness
  • Mild bruising
  • Temporary weakness of surrounding muscles
  • Headache
  • Drooping eyelid

Why choose neuromodulators for frown lines and forehead furrows

  • Non-invasive – does not require surgery.
  • Can be quickly performed in your doctor’s office.
  • Virtually no recovery time.