While moles on the body are a common occurrence, not all moles are harmless. Whether considering removal for aesthetic or medical reasons, or both, there’s many benefits to mole removal surgery at your favorite Beverly Hills clinic. Check out a few of these reasons before scheduling your appointment:



Protruding moles often get in the way of shaving, resulting in missed hairs or related injuries. Mole removal solves this problem!


Smooth, Clear Skin

The cosmetic reasons for mole removal always top the list of benefits, and for good reason. Some people are more predisposed to moles than others, and an abundance of moles on the body, whether on the face or anywhere else, often results in appearance-related self-esteem issues. Many dark moles cannot be covered up with makeup, and mole removal makes clear, smooth skin possible.

Mole removal is an excellent way to improve self-esteem and confidence in appearance, as the days of feeling like everyone is staring at a particular mole or two come to an end. Many moles are in prominent, difficult-to-conceal areas, and people with moles frequently feel embarrassed as a result.



Mole removal seriously reduces skin irritation that may occur when certain moles rub against jewelry or clothes.


Medical Concerns

As previously stated, not all moles are harmless. While most are benign, those that change shape or color are a concern, as they could indicate the development of melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer. It’s therefore essential to have pre-cancerous and any other suspicious moles biopsied sooner rather than later.



Some moles are just plain painful! Many grow in quantities in less-than-convenient places, such as on the head, which makes brushing and combing the hair painful. Any hair follicle on the body that grows close to or within a mole can become inflamed, resulting in pain and discomfort.

Why Get Your Mole REMOVED?

If you are struggling with a blemish on your skin and you simply don’t like the appearance of a mole, you can certainly opt to have it removed. Make an appointment with our expert to discuss the problem. You’ve probably had that mole hanging around for years. When you have it removed, you can finally say good riddance to that bothersome problem. Not only will your skin look better, but you can also have the peace of mind that comes with knowing it is gone for good. If you no longer have a mole, it can’t turn into anything that could be dangerous to your health. You’ll have more confidence and feel better about yourself.

Choose Mole Removal for More than Cosmetic Reasons

In some cases, your mole could mean trouble. If you notice that your mole is bleeding or itchy all of the time, it could indicate a serious problem. If you see that your mole has grown, changed in shape or transformed in color, pay attention to these red flags. They could indicate that you are dealing with skin cancer. Moles can often be the first sign of melanoma, the most serious form of skin cancer. Melanoma can spread to other organs of your body. If left untreated, it can be deadly.

If you see anything strange happening with one of your moles, see our team right away. If a mole is cancerous or determined to pose a threat in any way, it can be removed. You can request removal to relieve your fears even if it does not test positive for cancer. Our doctor can help you decide what to do about any moles that are out of the ordinary.