While acne is a temporary problem and will reduce itself over a short period, it usually leaves a scar that sometimes can be permanent. Worry not as this is a natural body process as the skin would recover naturally after it has been damaged by a wound or injury. The process occurs when the dermis level of the skin is damaged and scars will form on the skin as a result of overproduced collagen fibres.

Acne scars are the products of inflamed lesions. When the follicle, or pore, becomes engorged with dead skin cells, excess oil, and bacteria, it will cause the lesions for your skin. When the pore swells, it caused a break in the follicle wall and if it is near the skin’s surface, the lesion can heal quickly.

To repair the damages, our skin will form new collagen fibres. Collagen is the natural protein that gives the skin its glow and flexibility. However, the finished repair job would never look as smooth and flawless as the skin before the injury, thus causing the scar.

To reduce the impact of the scar, there are a lot of treatments available in the market including surgeries, or non-surgical methods. One of the outstanding non-surgical treatment is the Pico Laser treatment, using laser to improve skin texture.

Pico laser can help in reducing sweat pores sizes, reducing acne scars, uneven skin tones, relifting skins, reduce uneven pigmentation, frown lines and crows feet. From acne scars to tattoo removal and redefining skin lines, Pico laser can help without having to undergo a surgery or painful procedure. Pico laser treatment has helped 284 of our customers with 92% satisfaction rate, and we are dedicated to help more people with the same problem!


Pico laser is highly regarded as one of the most advanced laser treatment in the market. It’s high success rate and customer satisfaction percentage at 92% really help made Pico laser a go-to choice for skin rejuvenation.

Premier Clinic is offering the up-to-date Pico laser treatment with the latest machine to ensure our customers have the best experience and get the maximum results for the procedure.


Pico laser uses pico-second concentrated laser energy to generate laser induced breakdowns (LIOB) in the dermis and epidermis layer. The laser breakdown will destroy targeted skin cells that causes pigmentation and uneven skin tones whilst causing pressure waves to activate inflammatory healing response.

The healing response will boost collagen production which will restore skin youthfulness and lifting it up naturally. As a result, Pico laser treatment enables you to have a flawless, lifted, more youthful look. Opposed to the previous ways of laser treatment where intense heat energy was used to burst skin cells, often painful and leave patients with long downtime, Pico laser treatment offers you the possibility of having younger, better looking skin without all the hassles of long downtime and unnecessary side effects.


As Pico laser treatment doesn’t involve surgery, there is less downtime needed and very less risks associated with it. Patients can see visible results in a short matter of 1 week as the skin peeled off and revealed the new skin underneath. Patients are encouraged to drink a lot of water and keep moisturising as it helps nourishing the new skin with nutrients and speed up the healing process.

Patients are advised to not swim as it will increase the rate of infections. Also, please avoid direct exposure to sunlight and please wear sunblock every time you’re about to leave the house. As your skin healing up, it is very sensitive to intense temperature excessive UV exposure.

  1. Can I remove a scar completely?

  • Up to date, there are no procedures that can completely make a scar disappear completely and restore the skin to the condition it was before the scar. However, Pico laser is the closest you can get to returning to your original skin condition by reducing the scar effects and make it less noticeable. Pico laser works best on flat scars. Keloid and hypertrophic scars however needs different kind of treatments.
  1. When can I see the result?

  • You can see an immediate effect after the first session. Your skin will experience some redness and dead skin cells will fall out slowly afterwards, revealing a true beautiful skin underneath.
  1. Is Pico laser safe?

  • Pico laser treatment is completely safe! There are no side effects or dietary commitment after the treatment so you can kiss your worries (and your scar) goodbye!
  1. Is this treatment painful?

  • Pico Laser treatment is not painful. Patients often described the treatments as a short series of hot spots on their skin.
  1. How many treatments are needed for Pico Laser to remove a scar completely?

  • The number of Pico laser treatments for scars vary depending on the condition being treated and how each individual skin respond to the treatment.
  • The number of treatments for scar removal is largely dependent on the clinical condition being addressed but 2-5 treatments are common. Our doctor will be able to provide you with a personalized plan after the consultation.
  1. How long can the result last?

  • Tattoo removal and acne scar results are permanent. Skin revitalization treatment results are long lasting, but some pigment conditions can be recurrent. Some patients find that a PicoSure Focus treatment every six months can help prevent accumulation of pigment and slow the appearance of wrinkles.