Enjoy the soothing experience!

Kyoto Scrub: This month’s scrub has been inspired by the signature principles of Japanese skin care; simplicity, harmony, and the use of natural herbs and grains.  This gentle facial scrub is traditionally preceded by the use of Camellia Seed Oil as a pre-scrub cleanser.  Camellia Seed Oil is applied to the face using a cotton ball or soft cloth, then wiped away.  This scrub can also be followed by a fresh toner made of cooled Green Tea.  You can also create your own Green Tea Toner by combining one of our Organic Hydrosols with our water soluble Green Tea Extract.


Kyoto Scrub

2 Tablespoons Ginseng Powder
3 Tablespoons Adzuki Bean Powder
3 Tablespoons Rice Powder, Fine


This scrub is very easy to make.  Simply mix the ingredients in a small bowl, then pour them into a jar or powder sifter.  When you are ready to use the scrub, just combine a teaspoon of the dry mixture with a little water.  Gently massage the paste onto your face and rinse away.